Damit der Hauptthread zum Album nicht damit vollgestopft wird, ein extra Thread für Interviews.
Auszüge aus einem Interview für die belgische Zeitschrift Humo, mit Dank an Estranged-Friends-User YourBelovedMonster:
H: The tour starts on Valentine's Day. No complaints at home? E: I hadn't thought about that. Maybe the partners of my band members will get mad at me, but it's not an issue to me. H: Surprising, because on Tomorrow Morning it sounded like you had found new love. E: So I thought at the time. Next question!
H: The cover is orange and there's a bomb thrower on it. It reminded me of Agent Orange, that terrible chemical weapon from the Vietnam war. E: Wow, that was not my intention. Good one, though. The bomb thrower refers to the opening track, Bombs Away. The record ends with the optimistic Wonderful, Glorious, which is something I associate with orange. In between there's an evolution from one extreme to the other and I wanted to represent those extremes on the cover.
H: So, can we say this record is about you? E: All of my records are a mix between autobiographical songs and songs that are completely made up. I know it's hard for the listener to differentiate between those, but I'm just happy when people listen to my music and maybe get something out of it. What does bother me, is when people think I'm being ironic or even sarcastic when I'm not. Some of your colleagues from abroad think that Wonderful, Glorious is sarcastic, I really don't get that. H: Don't you think you're partly responsible for the confusion? You do get ironic from time to time. E: Guilty, your honour! In December I posted a video on Youtube in which I'm giving a couple of thank you speeches for winning a Grammy. That was indeed very sarcastic, but it has nothing to do with my music.
H: After writing the soundtrack for Levity in 2003, you said: "Never again!" I was a little surprised to see your name on the credits of Yes Man five years later. E: It's like giving birth to a child: you forget how painful it is and then you get tempted again. By the way, it's not the writing of the music that bothers me, but rather the tons of people that come to tell you what you can and cannot do. I'm not ruling out that I'll ever get tempted again. Probably because I'm thinking: "Great, let's do something else", only to find out that writing records is what I love doing most. H: What about making your own movie? E: Honestly? I think I'd be pretty good at it. But I doubt I'd find any budget in the current financial climate.
H: Barack Obama started his second term last week. Did you vote for him or is it none of my business? E: Did I vote for him? What do you think? I'm a rock singer, of course I voted for the cool guy! "No, I voted for Mitt Romney" Please! H: I'm sorry. E: Don't be, your question wasn't offensive, just ridiculous. But in all seriousness: I voted for Obama with full faith. I know a lot of his former supporters are unhappy, but I refuse to join them. He was handed a bowl of shit to clean up, he wasn't the one that shit all over it. It takes time to clean up that much of shit.